Kamala Harris Is on Standby

Published: Sun, 06/30/24

Updated: Fri, 07/05/24

If the 81-year-old Biden were to heed those calls, it would set the stage for his 59-year-old running mate to potentially become the first woman and woman of color to lead the nation.Insert Preheader

Today's Poll Question

Can Kamala Harris defeat Donald Trump?


Kamala Harris Is on Standby

USA Today

If the 81-year-old Biden were to heed the calls, it would set the stage for his  running mate to potentially become the first woman and woman of color to lead the nation.


Trump Made False Abortion Claims

NBC News

Former President Donald Trump made false claims about late-in-pregnancy abortions during Thursday’s debate with President Joe Biden, experts say.


Oligarchy Will Decide Biden's Fate


The only way Biden steps aside, despite his debate debacle, is if the same small group of lifelong loyalists who enabled his run suddenly, and shockingly, decides it's time for him to call it quits.


Aron: How About Two Open Conventions?


“The U.S. has been far, very far, from perfect, but overall it has been a country committed to achieving progress and unabashedly one that has been striving for greatness. Which takes me to last night.”


Washpo: Joe Should Think It Over

Washington Post

If Biden had weekend plans, he should cancel them in favor of some soul-searching. His calamitous debate performance raises legitimate questions about whether he’s up for another four years.


Ignatius: Why Biden Missed His Cue

Washington Post

"How did this happen? What was the combination of moral conviction, personal confidence and selfishness that propelled Biden, despite the risks, toward his decision to seek another term?"


Watch Michael Explain Why Democrats Will Benefit From a Contested Convention

Dowd: Ghastly vs. the Ghostly

New York Times

“In Washington, people often become what they start out scorning. This has happened to Joe Biden. In his misguided quest for a second term, he has succumbed to behavior redolent of Trump.”


Biden Has Employees, Not Advisers

The Hill

Longtime Democratic strategist James Carville said President Biden does not have advisers telling him what to do, he has employees, in comments after his poor debate showing on Thursday night.


Stevens: Democrats Stop Panicking

New York Times

“It’s baffling that so many Democrats are failing to rally around a successful president after one bad night. It does remind me of why Republicans won so many races they should have lost.”


Haley: Prepare for Younger Rival

Wall Street Journal

Nikki Haley said Democrats need to dump Biden as their presumptive nominee following his halting debate performance as she reiterated her calls for cognitive testing of all federal candidates.


Sonnenfeld: Blame the Cold Meds


The most probable explanation for this transient period of cognitive impairment in an older person with a cold is a side effect of cold medications. If this is so, the handwringing should cease.


Would They Have To Move To Be VP?

ABC News

As Trump narrows his options for a potential running mate, two politicians known to be on his list are from FL, leaving open a scenario where his VP nominee would have to move if they win.


Election Day in France


France is voting in a parliamentary election that could make history, with the far right closer to power than it has ever been in modern times. A high turnout is expected among 49 million voters.


What if Karen Read Ends in Mistrial?

CBS News

As the deadlocked jury in the Karen Read murder trial went home for the weekend, there's now questions about what would happen if the judge declares a mistrial next week.


You Might Be a Late Bloomer

The Atlantic

Late bloomers tend to have a high tolerance for ambiguity, and can bring multiple ways of thinking to bear on a single complex problem. They also have a high tolerance for inefficiency.


Facebook's Faceless Superstar

Las Vegas Review Journal

He ranks high among the most popular content creators on the internet, a social media ATM whose Las Vegas home produces so much TikTok and Facebook gold it’s like the U.S. Mint of killing time.


13-Year-Old Killed by Utica Police


The screams of a grieving mother could be heard through Utica City Hall at a press conference Saturday morning, detailing the shooting death of a 13-year-old member of the Karen community.


"The System Isn't Uber"

Police 1

Facilities of the 911 emergency system are being drowned in a flood of trivial calls. The call to “not call” came as authorities are seeing a steady rise in 911 reports — about a third more since 2019.


State Farm Seeks 30% Rate Hike


Many California homeowners are concerned about their home insurance, and that anxiety ratcheted up on Friday when State Farm requested it's increase.


Five Abortions a Month

Texas Tribune

Texas, with 30 million residents and 10% of the women of reproductive age in the nation, used to see about 4,400 abortions a month. Now, that number is five.


66% of Israelis Prefer Netanyahu Retiring From Politics: Poll

For the Left

A recent poll by Channel 12 showed 66% of Israeli voters oppose Benjamin Netanyahu's participation in future elections, indicating a desire for political change. 


How Will LA’s 10 Commandments Law

Be Enforced?

For the Right

Even as a legal challenge is already underway over a new Louisiana 10 commandments law, the details of how the mandate will be implemented and enforced remain murky. 



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